Tuesday, February 5, 2008

College Tuition in Private Colleges

I have talked to many people regarding tuition and how our future generations are going to afford college. Some of what I heard intrigued me. One of the common topics was how it was cheaper for students to go out of state to a private college because of the financial aid available. I just ran across this post in USA Today with a very interesting article regarding this. I thought I would pass it along. Something to think about if you are the parent and/or a student planning on attending college. I wish I would have known this about 12 years ago, I would probably have a lot less debt.


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Money for Grades

I just saw this article in USA Today. I can't believe it and I don't agree with it. There are schools that are now paying students to get good grades and improve their test scores. I don't think this is how one should be motivated to learn.


Social Networking in Schools

Here is an interesting article (actually a discussion) of the use of social networking sites in schools. It was moderated by the National School Board Association. I find this very interesting. I am a firm believer in the use of new tools in curriculum. I understand the risks, however there are risks with everything and in my opinion the benefits far out way the risks. I think that it is important to teach our future leadership how to appropriately use the tools that they will be expected to use in their careers. Owning several business and working in management I have seen a huge disconnect in the skills that my employees posses. When faced with a situation that they did not specifically study they are at a loss as to what to do and how to use the tools available to them.


My First Entry

Being the founder of StudyCurve.com, you would think that I would be completely up to date on the web. However, this is not completely true. This is the first time I have ever posted on or had a blog. I am very excited and am eager to keep it up as I have enjoyed reading everyone else's blog. So here goes nothing...